Maryanne + Anton | Wedding Elopement | Blue Ridge Parkway
I was contacted by this couple four days before they arrived to town to say that they were hoping to get married. They had been engaged for the past five years and thought that Asheville would be a great place to elope. (I agree!)
After flying into Charlotte, they drove to Asheville and when they arrived at the Register of Deeds, the nice woman there announced that they probably weren’t performing any more marriages at the courthouse at that late hour so if they wanted to be married that day, then they would need to walk to the jail to get married. *Record screeches to a stop. THE JAIL. THE JAIL?!? Oh what fun we had with the jokes of metaphors but it was nothing but smiles and laughter from these two easygoing lovebirds because…these two just get it.
The woman at the jail so kindly offered to marry them outside so the ceremony would be a little less jail-esque.
After our downtown adventure, we headed up to the Blue Ridge Parkway to take some photos in our little mountain paradise. EPIC views ensued.